Book A Session with MarcusBowersTV

1hr Private
Consulting Call

One hour focus strategy session + vision workbook

Discussion includes:

  • Logos - Let's review and discuss

  • Websites - Is it converting?

  • Marketing

  • Branding

  • Data Collection

  • Sales

  • Customer Service - Growth accelerator

  • Leadership - team building and handling

  • Software's/Systems

  • Automating Your Life

For $299

2hr Private
Consulting Call

Two hour focus strategy session + vision workbook

Discussion includes:

  • Everything in 1hr Private Consulting Call

  • Deep-dive into your marketing strategy

  • Cultivation of a precise business growth strategy to 2x your revenue

  • 2 E books - "Data Over Dollars" & "Make Money Online With No Website," by Marcus Bowers

  • How to implement your data systems.

For $500

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